Monday, March 8, 2010

Australia Bound

Sorry for the silence the past couple weeks, but its been busy. There is lots to write about, but I'll start with our upcoming trip to Australia.

We'll be flying into Sydney on March 18th, heading to Canberra area for a wedding on the 20th and then finish off the final few days in Sydney. During that time I'll try to do some presentations on Cambodia Knits in Young, Canberra and Sydney so if you are in those areas, stay tuned for more info (or email me for details). And, if you're in Australia and have ever wanted to get your hands on some of our products, send me an email at and I'll send you a catalogue.


  1. Yeah, haven't heard from you in a while. We are off for March Break but will try to call you this w/e. Have you tried getting in touch with Tereska?
    Lotsa luvs.
