Saturday, August 15, 2009

The cat came back...

The start of the week was difficult because our beloved cat, Meow, had disappeared and was gone for 4 days and nights. We found out from neighbours that she had been attacked by a dog on Thursday night and disappeared shortly afterwards. I was despondent and spent most of the weekend crying, thinking about the poor little cat hiding somewhere dark and dirty, all alone, nursing her wounds and unable to move. Somehow on Monday night she managed to crawl back home, completely dehydrated, limping and with telltale signs of the dog attack. We even managed some CSI style deductions from the hairs underneath her nails to determine exactly which dog it was.

After nursing, two visits to the vet and lot of loving, the cat is almost back to normal. She'll continue limping for a few more weeks as her dislocated hip heals. Despite this, she still wants to go outside and has been sitting starting at the door for the past twenty minutes, as if willing it to open. No way, little cat. You're never going outside again! Your pitiful, begging eyes have no effect on me!

You may think this is unrelated to the topic of this blog, but that is not the case. Meow plays a big role at Cambodia Knits, whether she's attacking knitting needles, chewing on yarn or entertaining the knitters by falling asleep in a plastic amongst them, she fulfills an important role.

I also managed to finish knitting a bed for Meow a couple days after her return.


  1. Poor baby! I'm so glad she came back. We have three cats and only one of them is an outdoor kitty. I worry about her constantly. If I could get her moved in permanently I would.

  2. Poor Baby! I'm glad she came back. I have three cats and one is an outdoor kitty. I worry about her constantly. If I could get her moved into the house permanently I would.

    This is the second time I've posted this. Not sure what happened to my first post.

  3. Yey! Meow came back. Tata HAD something to do with it, I know.
